Rejuvenate Yourself- 2 days workshop

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Introduction Of Wellness Programme​

  • health isn’t a passive or static state however rather Asso-ciate in Nursing “active pursuit” that’s related to intentions, selections Asso-ciate in Nursing actions as we tend to work toward an best state of health and welfare.
  • Second, health is coupled to holistic health that is, it extends on the far side physical health and incorporates many various dimensions that ought to add harmony.

The Science Of Being And Present Meditation​

At the point when you’ve set up a steady establishment with care of breath and body you can explore different avenues regarding turning towards trouble. Some of the time our experience is excruciating and troublesome.

Deep Relaxation Meditation​

Meditation for peace can assist us with finding inward tranquillity, a spot from which we can manage difficulties all the more without any problem. It normally assists with clearing our energy field. Anyone can do it and in spite of prevalent thinking there is no set in stone manner to rehearse it.

Barefoot Walking And Connected To Nature​

  • Examination has demonstrated that being outside decreases nervo-usness, improves our state of mind and upgrades inventiveness. Be that as it may, as far as I might be concerned, the most convincing motivation to venture outside is a profound need to feel grounded and associated with my environmental factors.

Body Scan Meditation​

A body scan meditation is a sort of meditation where you centre around the sensations in your body. Advantages of body scan meditation

  • Treat constant pain Lessen anxiety and stress
  • Help improve sleep Oversee side effects of post awful stress issue.

Music Dance Meditation

What is dance meditation? It is a sort of meditation where in we utilize the beat, mindfulness, and an instinctive state which are run of the mill characteristics of numerous kinds of meditation and moving – in any event, moving which is sporting as opposed to meditational. 




Introduction On Health Issues​

Health improvement and performance observation may be a wider recognition that health embraces well-being in addition because the absence of sickness. For each people and populations, health depends not solely on health care however conjointly on different factors as well as individual behavior, genetic makeup, exposure to health threats, and social and economic conditions.

Silent Setting​

Meditation for peace can assist us with finding inward tranquillity, a spot from which we can manage difficulties all the more without any problem

Water Therapy And Connect To Nature​

Water Therapy aid is gaining quality in recent times, not just for weight loss, metabolism and immunity however conjointly because it makes the skin impeccable and glowing. Water has the wonderful power to revitalize, detoxify and oxygenize the skin. Water medical aid cure dry skin and makes the skin look young and toned.

Sound Therapy And Meditation

Sound treatment is a generally new mending method that utilizes the vibrations of the human voice to go past unwinding and cultivate recuperating. Some solid specialists utilize outer instruments, for example, tuning forks or singing dishes. Nonetheless, there is no instrument more impressive for mending than the human voice.

Visualization Meditation

Meditation is consistently practiced for various reasons , for instance, inner concordance, self-realization, tranquillity, or to be related with the universe through soul. There are various strategies and instruments to empower a person to mull over and loosen up. Representation is one of them. What is known as Visualization Meditations are guided meditations by the meditation teacher.

Dance Meditation

What is dance meditation? It is a sort of meditation wherein we utilize the beat, mindfulness, and an instinctive state which are run of the mill characteristics of numerous kinds of meditation and moving – in any event, moving which is sporting as opposed to meditational.

Tea Break


Tune into your breath. Feel the regular progression of breath in, out. You don’t have to do anything to your breath. Not long, not short, simply normal. Notice where you feel your breath in your body. It very well may be in your midsection. It very well might be in your chest or throat or in your noses. Check whether you can feel the vibes of breath, each breath in turn.

beginners meditation music

Sleeping Meditation

The goal of guided sleep meditation is to cut back the impact of worrying thoughts and tension in your body on your sleep. By learning the way to shift your focus and relax your body, you’ll begin to note enhancements in your ability to fall and keep asleep.

yoga and pranayam

  • Increases and enhances the number and quality of prana
  • Clears blocked nadis and chakras. Clears the complete energy around you, expands your aura and heightens the spirit
  • Makes one energetic, eager and positive
  • Brings harmony between the body, mind, and spirit, creating one physically, mentally and spiritually sturdy. 

massage therapy

Sound treatment is a generally new mending method that utilizes the vibrations of the human voice to go past unwinding and cultivate recuperating. Some solid specialists utilize outer instruments, for example, tuning forks or singing dishes. Nonetheless, there is no instrument more impressive for mending than the human voice.

sambhavi meditation

  • When you do this, you will be able to see the two eyebrows as two curved lines meeting at the center. It forms a kind of V-shaped line with a dip at the center.
  • Breathe normally during the practice. As you proceed with the meditation technique, your breath will slow down and become more subtle.
  • Shambhavi mudra can take one into deep states of meditation.

stress release meditation

Health improvement and performance observation may be a wider recognition that health embraces well-being in addition because the absence of sickness. For each people and populations, health depends not solely on health care however conjointly on different factors as well as individual behavior, genetic makeup, exposure to health threats, and social and economic conditions.

removal of depression

Sadness is a typical psychological well-being condition that can appear in an assortment of ways. In the event that you live with misery, you could have ongoing indications, similar to a for the most part low mind-set you can’t shake. Or then again you may have significant  couple of times each year. You may likewise see side effects changing or deteriorating over the long run.

anger and anxiety release

 “The portraying feature of social anxiety disorder, similarly called social fear, is not kidding anxiety or fear of being judged conversely surveyed, or excused in a social or execution situation. Despite the way that they see that their fear is over the top and ridiculous, people with social anxiety disorder as often as possible feel feeble against their anxiety.”

barefoot walking & connected with nature

Examination has demonstrated that being outside decreases nervousness, improves our state of mind and upgrades inventiveness. Be that as it may, as far as I might be concerned, the most convincing motivation to venture outside is a profound need to feel grounded and associated with my environmental factors.

Mental blockages release therapy

Blockage unleash Treatment is that the thanks to overcome past traumas, negative experiences, deep emotional pains, things starting from the loss of a dear, betrayal, abuse, rejection, and so on. associate degree emotional blockage is formed after we bear a trauma, we tend to and that we don’t adequately specific the items we expertise throughout that point. Some individuals show them within the variety of anger, harsh voice, etc.

body scan meditation

Experts have found proof to counsel meditation will promote physical and emotional eudaimonia in multiple ways that, such as:

  • improved sleep
  • anxiety and stress relief
  • greater awareness
  • increased self-compassion
  • reduced pain
  • reduced cravings sure Source when quitting smoking

music dance meditation

Believe it or not, dance has its distinctive advantages such as:

• it’s a good stress buster
• It relieves stress
• It tones body and provides form
• It uplifts your spirit
• It enhances your metabolism
• It provides a possibility to monotonous life
• It helps in losing weight

Dances area unit of the many varieties. Salsa, Jazz, Waltz, Hip hop, break-dance or Indian classical dances like  Kathak , bhangra etc. There area unit endless forms however the only aim is rejuvenation.

relationship improvement

No matter however robust your affiliation is as a handful, maintaining that spark is crucial. while not in progress effort, you and your partner may eventually realize yourselves stuck during a loop of revenant issues, or living during a boring routine that lands up driving you apart. however all of that may be prevented if you search for very little ways that to boost your relationship, every day.

Fear free living in abudance

“The mind is everything, what you’re thinking that, you become.” it’s thus true. mentality may be a crucial part of success in business, sports and life normally. there’s conjointly quantitative analysis to back this up. Stanford scientist Carol Dweck examined mindsets among young students. have a growth mentality that intelligence will be developed area unit higher ready to overcome tutorial challenges than those that have a set mentality that intelligence is preset.

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Thane, mumbai

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ReBoost Wellness has the key to staying positive to make the best of this opportunity to improve ourselves physically, mentally, and spiritually. 

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