Vedic Meditation

Vedic Meditation comes from the Veda, the ancient body of knowledge from India. The Veda is the source of yoga, meditation, and Ayurvedic medicine and is the basis of all Eastern philosophy. Vedic Meditation is a technique that traces its roots to the Vedas, ancient Indian texts that are the foundation for yoga and Ayurveda. Vedic Meditation is effortless and natural. You simply sit in a chair with your eyes closed for about 20 minutes in the morning and again in the early evening.

Vedic Meditation comes from the Veda, the ancient body of knowledge from India. The Veda is the source of yoga, meditation, and Ayurvedic medicine and is the basis of all Eastern philosophy. In this meditation you learn a mantra a simple meaningless sound that you repeat silently. The mantra quiets the mind and takes you to a settled state. As your mind settles, your body begins to rest more deeply than sleep. You come out of meditation feeling clear, refreshed, and ready to engage.

The word Vedic itself means “from the Vedas.” The Vedas are ancient texts and an ancient body of knowledge originating from India. However, they are considered universal knowledge because this same information has been recognized all over the world. It is the same body of knowledge that yoga and Ayurveda stem from. The Vedas are over 5,000 years old and key components of the Vedic Meditation style can be found in them.

Vedic Meditation is typically taught in a basic four-day course. In the course, you learn the key components of meditation and a completely self-sufficient meditation practice.

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