ReBoost Wellness
ReBoost wellness intend to being healthy in body and mind, particularly because the results of deliberate effort. an approach to health care that emphasizes preventing health problem.

Yes, we can!
In the rush of the world, meditation is a pause. In the chaos of the mind, it’s stillness. Take a breath, find your center, and restart again.

#1 App Sleep Better, Feel Calmer, Live Lighter.

What is Wellness ?
wellness isn’t a passive or static state however rather associate “active pursuit” that’s related to intentions, decisions associated actions as we tend to work toward an best state of health and well-being. Second, health is joined to holistic health that is, it extends on the far side physical health and incorporates many various dimensions that ought to add harmony. Wellness is a private pursuit—we have self-responsibility for our own selections, behaviors and lifestyles but it’s additionally significantly influenced by the physical, social and cultural environments within which we tend to live. Wellness is commonly confused with terms like health, well-being and happiness. whereas there ar common parts among them, health is distinguished by not bearing on a static state of being Rather, health is related to an energetic method of being aware associated creating selections that lead toward an outcome of best holistic health and successfulness.
How Wellness Helpful
Reduced health costs
The implementation of employee wellness programs results in lower health care costs.
Improved productivity
Taking part in worker well-being programs will facilitate improve productivity levels among workers.
Reduced absenteeism
Employees in firms that have worker eudaimonia programs area unit less absent from work.
Reduced Stress
This incorporates summed up anxiety problem or anxiety because of a stressful circumstance.

Stress: The Silent Thief of Peace
Stress is a modern-day epidemic, silently eroding our well-being. It’s the invisible pressure cooker that builds up over time, affecting our physical, mental, and emotional health. From fast-paced lifestyles to overwhelming responsibilities, stress triggers a cascade of reactions in our bodies, leading to anxiety, fatigue, and impaired focus. Recognizing the signs of stress is the first step towards reclaiming your peace. Meditation offers a powerful tool to manage stress, providing a much-needed respite from the chaos.
Conquer Anxiety: Your Path to Calm
Anxiety is a complex emotional state characterized by feelings of worry, unease, and apprehension. It can manifest in various forms, from mild nervousness to debilitating panic attacks. While it’s a natural human response to challenges, chronic anxiety can significantly impact your quality of life. Understanding the root causes of anxiety is crucial for developing effective coping strategies. Meditation, with its focus on mindfulness and present-moment awareness, has proven to be a valuable ally in the battle against anxiety. By cultivating a calm mind and a resilient spirit, you can gradually reduce anxiety’s grip on your life.

Experience mindfulness with millions through ReBoost Wellness.

Mahendra Devlekar is an award-winning speaker and an internationally recognized leader in personal development and peak performance strategies.

Pradeep Pawar is a multifaceted personality blessed with an innate inclination to Fine Arts, Sculpture, Music, Writing, Acting and Self development.

Sattvavajay Therapist in Mumbai – Ayurvedacharya. Masters in Psychotherapy and counselling, Masters in Philosophy, Co-ordinator of Sattvavajay Movement

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How does it work
Mental health is directly connected with earning and managing finance. Our experts will guide you developing mental health to reach your financial goals.
Poor mental health can lead an individual towards career crisis at any stage of life. Thus, mindfulness practices with ReBoost Wellness help in leading a great career for students as well as working professionals.
Mindfulness has proven to channelize and develop the personality of a person professionlly as well as an individual.
Mental health has affects on physical health of people, hence poor mental health can lead to health problems.
Any type of relationship whether personal or professional is connected physically as well as mentally practice is beneficial.
Wellness helps in managing and reducing stress and be more productive at your work.
Mindfulness practices are beneficial for those people who are depressed and feel less motivated in life.
With the lifestyle and events happening around it is common the people develop mental fear in the present by thinking about past and future.
People often develop feeling of shyness while they meet other people or when they present something in front of other people. ReBoost Wellness has a dedicated course for overcoming shyness.
Most of the times people develop a habit of thinking negative all the times, when the things are related to them based on some passed experience.

Benefit of Meditation
One of the most basic parts of rehearsing meditation for focus is your breath. There are numerous approaches to focus on the breath you can know about every individual inward breath and exhalation or simply focus on the outbreath. Regardless, know about every breath. Notice the sensation as cool air enters your noses as you breathe in and warm air exits as you breathe out. Feel your lungs grow and contract. Note the delicate ascent and fall of your paunch as you breathe. Or on the other hand tally each pattern of your breath as one, proceed up to seven on the off chance that you can and, at that point begin once more at one.
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